What happens if a dog eats thc oil?

Pets can accidentally consume THC in many ways, such as inhaling smoke, ingesting pills, tinctures, or oils, or even eating an edible. Signs of overdose include static ataxia (loss of balance), lethargy, vomiting, drooling, body tremors, seizures, etc.

What happens if a dog eats thc oil?

Pets can accidentally consume THC in many ways, such as inhaling smoke, ingesting pills, tinctures, or oils, or even eating an edible. Signs of overdose include static ataxia (loss of balance), lethargy, vomiting, drooling, body tremors, seizures, etc. Stacy Meola is critical at Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital in Colorado and was also one of the main veterinarians involved in the study mentioned above. She explains that “the most common sign is stumbling and crossing over their feet, and walking as if they were drunk (ataxic).

In the study, 88% of dogs had this symptom. Around 50% of dogs are also likely to look dull and lethargic with dilated pupils, and will shudder in reaction to rapid movements towards the face. Other effects include hyperactivity, disorientation, barking, dilated pupils (the appearance of wide eyes), and excessive vomiting or drooling. There could also be depression, seizures, coma and, potentially, death, Fleming says.